
The musician

Composer, arranger, pianist, organist, choir and orchestra director. His music is performed in Italy and abroad and often used in documentaries and cultural programs also broadcast by RAI.


(the most relevant)



Vita Nova (2021) - sonnets and backgrounds for mezzo-soprano and piano, on the poem by Dante Alighieri

One afternoon, Adam (2023) - symphonic tale about the story of the same name by Italo Calvino

Leopardi, infinita bellezza (2023) - songs inspired by the most beautiful poems of the great Poet

The song of the birds (2023) - piano songs on themes derived from songs of some birds



Spring Symphony

Homage - Between Mendelssohn and Haydn

Moments for strings (OCDG commission)

Homage 24 - Tribute to Giacomo Puccini (1924-2024). and thirty-year anniversary of the Orchestra “Città di Grosseto” foundation (OCDG commission)




Concerto No. 1 in La M. for guitar and orchestra, dedicated to Fabio Montomoli (2000)

- Orchestral Version

- String Quartet



Three dances, dedicated to the NAAM quartet (2018)



Scherzino, dedicated to Giovanni Lanzini (2017)



Di luna e d'argento (2009)


Sonata in D M. (dedicated to Fabio Montomoli - 2007)

3 Fogli d'album (dedicated to Fabio Montomoli)

“Moments” - (2016)

Prelude, for 11-string guitar, dedicated to Christian Lavernier (2018)



La Porta del Sole, suite - dedicated to Giovanni Lanzini and Fabio Montomoli (2009)



Ancient Dance (2007)



Sonata in Sol M.

Ciaccona, dedicated to Davide Alogna



Tramonto - On poem by G. D'Annunzio - (1979)

Ritratto, San Galgano - On poems by Vittoria Guglielmi - (1987)

Io sono qui - On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the killing of Martin Luther King - (2018)

Principessa - poem by Rosella Montesano - Dedicated to Ichio Sakatsume (2018)

La bellezza donata - poem by Rosella Montesano (2019)

Come un raggio di sole (dedicated to Paola Francesca Natale) - 2024



Rome, Venice, Ferrara - Poems by Daniela Sacchi



Rose - 2008

School time

Il giorno della luce


Concerto interrotto


Your eyes


Concerto in Sol M. (1993)

Concert in La



My butterfly

Silver Light - 2018 (dedicated to the Orbetello Piano Festival - Giuliano Adorno)



O salutaris hostia, a 4v.d.

Tantum ergo, a 4 v.d.

Laude Francescana, a 4 v.d.

Alla luna (on the poetry by Giacomo Leopardi - ed. Carrara), at 5 v.d.

Autunno at 4 v.d.

La preghiera dell'aviatore, a 4 v.d.



Exsultate, for choir, choir of V.B. choir of boys and piano

La Spigolatrice di Sapri, for girl's voice, 4 v.d. choir and piano



Jonas, oratory

The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Mass of S. Cecilia

Exsultate, psalm for choir, choir of white voices, choir of boys and orchestra

Fallen Flowers - requiem for Covid-19 victims for mezzo-soprano, baritone / acting voice, choir and orchestra



Petite Rondeau, dedicated to Dario Martolini

Romance in La M

"The pages of time" for 2 bass flutes, transverse, octavins and piano, dedicated to Jana Hildebrandt, Stella D'Armento and Monica Jimenez Calvo



"Two Souls" - Double Concerto for flute, piano and orchestra, dedicated to the Duo Fantasie (Jana Hildebrandt and Monica Jimenez Calvo)

Tarantella, for flute and piano



Tota pulchra

Improvviso in A min.

Ricordando S. Francis of Assisi

Divertimento per la notte di S. Sylvestro

Coral and variations

Tu es Petrus, dedicated to Juan Paradell Solo - Enthronisation of Pope Francis



Tasti e contrasti (Inroci, Amades berceuse, waltz, melody)

Foglio d'album

Romanza in A M.

Romanza in d m.

Nottorno in H m.

Corale e variazioni in F M.

Chorale e variazioni in C M.


Prima disillusione

Le 4 stagioni 

Pastorale in E M.

Fantasia in F m.

Tramonto suilago

Fantasia in A M. for 4 hands piano

Echi Mediterranei, for 4 hands piano - Dedicated to Yukiko Hiano and Giuliano Adorno

The flight

Raped Trees





Among the most relevant compositions: Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra in A Major, dedicated to M° Fabio Montomolied performed several times in Italy and abroad, Sonata in D Major for guitar performed on world tour, in Europe, Asia, Oceania etc. 'La Porta del Sole', Suite for clarinet and guitar performed by the duo Montomoli (Guitar) Lanzini (clarinet) in Italy, Europe, America and other countries. In 2018 he performed as a pianist and composer in Tokyo in the Arts Centre Wind Hall, at the invitation of the tenor Ichio Sakatsume, and held a tour in Spain with guitarist Fabio Montomoli for the presentation of the CD “Mediterranean”. He has composed numerous works for choir such as the lied for choir 'Traversando la Maremma Toscana' for choir with 5 mixed voices on poetry by G. Carducci, among the various publications, for chorus a motet entitled 'Alla luna', inspired by the homonymous poem by G. Leopardi”, in the magazine “Melos” (ed. Carrara), “La Spigolatrice di Sapri” (ed. Feniarco) composed as part of the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy.

He composed a Symphonic Poem for piano and orchestra, dedicated to the Orbetello lagoon: “Silver light”, performed in first time by M° Giuliano Adorno and the Città di Grosseto Symphony Orchestra in July 2018 as part of the international festival “Orbetello Piano Festival” and Two Souls, double concerto for flute, piano and orchestra, also in a string and percussion quintet version, commissioned by the “Duo Fantasie” Jana Hildebrandt and Monica Jimenez.

He has composed numerous works for orchestra and numerous symphonic choral compositions of sacred music; he often performs as a master accompanist of opera singers in festivals, concerts and exhibitions in Italy and abroad, such as Bianca Barsanti, Jennifer Schittino, Alessandro Carmignani Simona Parra and others.

He collaborates in various capacities as an arranger and orchestrator of music tracks

As choir director, pianist and organist he has performed over 500 concerts in Italy and abroad, often conducting, also, prestigious choral-symphonic productions among which stand out, in importance, the “Requiem” KV 626 and the “Vesperae Solennes de Confessore” by W. A. Mozart, Handel's 'Messiah', Verdi's 'Te Deum' and 'Stabat Mater', Pergolesi's Stabat Mater, C's 'Carmina Burana'. Orff, the “Misa Criolla” by A. Ramirez.

He won the XII international prize for the merit of music, Bari 1984, the 1st prize of the composition and musical elaboration competition organised by the "By Bess" editions, with the work "La pipa di Batone" on the novel of the same name by Renato Fucini, the 3rd prize at the International Competition of Composition Music and Cinema "Lavagnino 2012" in Alessandria, an event chaired by Louis Bacalov and Nicola Piovani.

He has recently composed the music for the shows “Vita Nova”, on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the death of the supreme Poet Dante Alighieri, and “Leopardi – infinita bellezza” shows replicated several times with considerable public success.

He recently composed the symphonic story “Un pomeriggio, Adamo” on a text by Italo Calvino, on the centenary of the birth of the famous writer.

He is the holder of the Chair of Piano at the Secondary School of the 1st degree with the musical address “Leonardo da Vinci” of the Institute no. 1 “A. Manzi" of Grosseto.

He is a Certified Lecturer for Makemusic's “Finale” music notation software.

Since 2019 he has been Artistic Director of the “Musica & Vita APS” Association.




In 2006 the CD 'La Natività' was come out, an oratory for solos, choir and orchestra, recorded with the Choral 'G. Puccini” of Grosseto and the choir of Voici Bianche of the Middle School “Leonardo da Vinci” of Grosseto.


In 2016 the CD 'Mediterraea - Guitar Works', recorded and produced by SAM recording studio (Lari, Pisa) and Live Art (Follonica, Grosseto), was released, under the skilful care of Mirco Mencacci. This CD combines the author's undoubted technical capabilities with a deep sensitivity, giving life to romantic sounds that are declined in typically Mediterranean accents, which reveal the vibrant spirit of the author, sounds made even more alive and emphasised by the taste and maturity of language of the performers.



schermata 2019-09-06 alle 12_38_24

Review by M° Poli Cappelli


The teacher

Active as Piano teacher at the Comprehensive Institute “A. Manzi - Scuola Media Leonardo da Vinci” of Grosseto since 1993, has been a teacher of composition, harmony, choir direction, history of music at the “Palmiero Giannetti” Institute since 1980 contributing to the training of some of the best young musicians, conductors, pianists now present and operating in the Tuscan territory. He was Director of the Choral Society “Giaocmo Puccini” of Grosseto from 1980 to 2017, with which he won numerous national and international competitions such as Guido Monaco from Arezzo and Vittorio Veneto.

He is active as an arranger and composer at the UCEBI Music Ministry, he is a certified lecturer of the "Makemusic Finale" Italian version software, distributed by Midi Music.